Canary is a tool for writing and running automated tests in JavaScript code.
It can be found on GitHub at
Canary can be installed and added to a JavaScript project using npm.
npm install canary-test
Example Usage
A simple example of JavaScript code tested using Canary:
// This library
const canary = require("canary-test").Group("leftPad package");
// Node's built-in assertion library
const assert = require("assert");
// A function that ought to be tested
function leftPad(value, length){
let text = String(value);
while(text.length < length){
text = " " + text;
return text;
// Tests written using Canary"leftPad", function(){
this.test("returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length", () => {
assert.equal(leftPad("hello", 3), "hello");
assert.equal(leftPad("world", 5), "world");
this.test("pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length", () => {
assert.equal(leftPad("hi", 4), " hi");
assert.equal(leftPad("123", 6), " 123");
These tests could then be run with a single function call. This call might be placed in its own JavaScript file that runs when when you use npm test, or it might be placed in your main application code behind a command-line arugment switch, or any other way that works best for you.
And this would output to the console...
sophie:canary pineapple$ node testLeftPad.js
Running tests via Canary...
Completed test "leftPad => returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length". (0.000s)
Completed test "leftPad => pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length". (0.000s)
Completed test group "leftPad". (0.001s)
Completed test group "leftPad package". (0.002s)
Finished running 4 tests.
✓ leftPad package
✓ leftPad
✓ returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length
✓ pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length
4 of 4 tests passed.
Status: OK