Canary is a tool for writing and running automated tests in JavaScript code.
Canary can be installed and added to a JavaScript project with npm install canary-test --save
Example Usage
A simple example of JavaScript code tested using Canary:
const canary = require("canary-test"); // This library
const assert = require("assert"); // Node's built-in assertion library
// A function that ought to be tested
function leftPad(value, length){
if(value.length >= length){
return String(value);
let text = String(value);
while(text.length < length){
text = " " + text;
return text;
// Tests written using Canary"leftPad", function(){
this.test("returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length", () => {
assert.equal(leftPad("hello", 3), "hello");
assert.equal(leftPad("world", 5), "world");
this.test("pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length", () => {
assert.equal(leftPad("hi", 4), " hi");
assert.equal(leftPad("123", 6), " 123");
These tests could then be run with a single function call. This call might be placed in its own JavaScript file that runs when when you npm run test
, or it might be placed in your main application code behind a command-line arugment switch, or any way that works best for you.
And this would output to the console...
sophie:shorter pineapple$ node testLeftPad.js
Running tests via Canary...
Completed test "leftPad => returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length". (0.000s)
Completed test "leftPad => pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length". (0.000s)
Completed test group "leftPad". (0.001s)
Completed test group "Canary". (0.003s)
Finished running 4 tests.
✓ Canary (0.003s)
✓ leftPad (0.001s)
✓ returns the input when it's as long as or longer than the input length (0.000s)
✓ pads shorter inputs with spaces to match the desired length (0.000s)
4 of 4 tests passed.
Status: OK